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Our aims in teaching PE and School Sport are that all children will:

  • Be physically active and find enjoyment in physical activity:
  • Find a lasting sense of purpose, achievement and fulfilment in physical activity, developing a lifelong love of being active:
  • Develop physical skills, habits and interests that will promote healthy lifestyles and good posture:
  • Develop positive attitudes to physical endeavour including perseverance, fair play and good sporting behaviour, and the ability to cope with success and failure;
  • Learn how physical exercise affects the body and mind;
  • Understand the need for safe practice in physical activities and know how to achieve this;
  • Develop a progression of skills in different strands of PE (swimming, gymnastics, dance, athletics, team games, OAA)

Physical Education is the aspect of the curriculum concerned with the development of physical skills, knowledge and understanding in games, gymnastics, dance, outdoor activities and swimming. It provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals, ingroups and teams.

We believe it is vital that ALL pupils are given equal opportunities to access a broad, balanced curriculum, encompassing a wide variety of physical activities, therefore enabling all pupils to achieve their full potential through the development of their physical competence and confidence. At Hertford we believe physical education is an important avenue for raising self-esteem and well-being through participation, success and enjoyment. Developing our young people into happy, active, healthy (physically, socially and emotionally) individuals.

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